Climate change is real

How you can help climate change

Climate change is a very bad thing happening in our world right now, over the past decade the planet has been getting warmer and warmer. As this graph shows, 2015 was the warmest year to date. This warming is caused by the releasing of lots of greenhouse gases, and the main gas is Carbon dioxide(CO2). CO2 is a gas that we need but too much of it can be a bad thing.

This is a graph showing the warmest years in the last decade.

CO2 traps heat on earth, so without CO2 we would be living in an ice age. But too much CO2 means that the planet will get warmer and there will be more dangerous weather and storms.

This shows the use of different gases

CO2 is put into the air when factories burn fuels, when people drive cars using gasoline, and lots of other things in our everyday life that we don’t know affect climate change. Which leads to how you can help.
There are lots of little things that you can do in your everyday life to help. This infographic lists a few:


Info graphic made by me!

Go here for more info: Click me!
And me!!. Climate change is real. So take a stand, tell your friends, spread the word, support green companies and help fight against climate change. Do the little things every day. Help protect the animals in the arctic who’s home is melting, help save hundreds of life’s from hurricanes and make our planet less dry. If we all do whatever we can to help, we can stop climate change.
Please leave comments about your questions or what you are going to do about climate change, thank you!

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